Worlds Worlding
What is human nature? A lot of words have been spilled on that one, but I’ll just cut to the chase and offer one of many possible good answers: “Making is human nature.”
Enter the Landscape
Participating in life simply needs you to bring your attention to being here, in this place, in this moment. Then, simply expand awareness to notice the world all around you, within you, and passing through you.
Who Cares?
Who cares about myth when the world is falling apart?
Corruption, pollution, dysfunction, extinction, disaster, displacement, poverty, homelessness, racism, abuse, terrorism, war, cultural destruction, and the looming possibility of nuclear annihilation… Of what possible relevance is mythology? Well, I'm here to tell ya, so gather round.
Sprouting Spring
In our family, the favorite ritual for welcoming spring is growing sprouts. Of course, sprouts are wonderful and easy to grow any time of year, but in springtime, when all around you is bursting into bloom, it's a great time to plant the seeds of your new adventures.
Imagine The Mythos-Sphere
Imagine the Mythos-Sphere as a space of possibility, where we use the play of imagination to explore and discover the relationships between intuition and intellect. Situating ourselves in place. Listening and speaking with awareness.